
A science invented by p.a. lopez (aka p. avion)
and derived from the science of 'pataphysics
as described by ALFRED JARRY.
CONTACT: ubu (AT) pataphor.com
What is a pataphor?
NEW! The meaning of the universe revealed! !
We have to remember that 'pataphysics, in essense, describes a degree of separation from reality. So, for example, if we see someone we know on the street and believe they are ignoring us (even if it is not true), and then begin to imagine a reason they are doing so, we are essentially thinking pataphorically. So pataphors (and 'pataphysics) may also be said to describe the world of our fears, mistaken assumptions and belief systems run amok. They are worlds built of assumptions based on assumptions.

Portrait of Monsier Ubu by Alfred Jarry
Collage (top) by Max Ernst, from Une Semaine de Bonte